November 16, 2009
Contact: Fred Karger
November 16, 2009
Ms Maggie Gallagher
National Organization for Marriage
1100 H Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
Dear Maggie —
It looks like you fired former Miss California, Carrie Prejean, just like Donald Trump did back in June.
She is no longer on your web site: I called your Washington, DC – PR firm, Mary Beth Hutchins at 703-683-5004 ext. 105, but no one was there to tell me why.
What happened to *”the future of our movement, and the future of America,” as you referred to Carrie just two months ago? Was it because she lied again? This time she said in numerous interviews that she “made only one sex tape.” Now it appears to be more like 15 or 20. We just heard that from the guy she met on My Space.
He also said that Carrie asked him to lie and say that she was only 17 when she made the sex tapes. In an interview with TMZ’s Harvey Levin, her ex said that she made the tapes when she was from 19 to 21, so not that long ago like Carrie insists.
Listen for yourself, it’s really interesting how the two stories are so different. Here’s a link: TMZ
Wonder if her attorney, Charles LiMandri, knew that she was asking her ex to lie? That is not looked kindly upon by the California Bar Association.
In the past week, Carrie was uninvited from her speech at the Conservative Capitol Hill Club. Then she kept calling CNN’s Larry King “inappropriate,” and ripped her microphone off on live TV! It’s up on YouTube and has had over 1.5 million visitors so far – huge!
Here’s the link: Larry King

NOM website
Why did you take her off your web site?
Did you hear from a lot of your high powered Board of Directors on this? What about your likely creator and largest backer, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church)? They gotta be uncomfortable with the whole multiple sex tapes thing.
You sure changed your tune, Maggie.
Do you remember what you said when Donald Trump fired Carrie? This is from your press release of June 10, 2009:
(Princeton, NJ) – Today, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) issued the following statement in response to the firing Miss California USA Carrie Prejean:
“Hollywood hates Carrie. First they abuse her, then they try to get her to recant, then they threw mud, and now they are doing what they wanted to do from day one: Get rid of Carrie.
This cover story about a contract dispute doesnÂ’t pass the smell test. Americans arenÂ’t fooled that easily. God knows, and we know, the truth about Carrie: SheÂ’s a young woman of great beauty who chose truth over the glittering tiara that Hollywood offers,” said Brian Brown, Executive Director for NOM. “Of course they will try to punish her, but we know she will be fine in the end, because her values are in the right place.”
“Hollywood will dance its tribal war dance over her body–the hatred generated against her has been extraordinary–but Carrie will be free to define her own mission and message from now on. Congratulations,” stated Maggie Gallagher, President for NOM.
Guess she’s free again. Looks like Brian and you treated her worse than Hollywood did, and she’s on your side! They gave her a second and third chance. You threw her right under the bus.
I said it before, Maggie I feel sorry for Carrie. She is just a young woman trying to make something of her life.
You and all your friends are not very tolerant of your paid spokeswoman, the star of your commercials, and the future of your movement.
Carrie is not as she appeared, and was very dishonest, but she is only 22 years old. Brian Brown and you should learn from this, and soften your anger towards others, and treat everyone fairly.
Fred Karger
Californians Against Hate
* From Maggie GallagherÂ’s September 18, 2009 introduction of Carrie Prejean, at Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council sponsored Voters Value Summit in Washington, DC.