Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee wants to turn the United States back over to God and Jesus.

Huckabee actually said this in a just released 60 second commercial for Lou Engle’s “The Call.”

In the spot Huckabee says, “Fast and pray and turn this nation back to God, as Jesus is our only hope.” He goes on to tell everyone to go to Sacramento and fast and pray for the sanctity of marriage over Labor Day Weekend.

Governor Huckabee should know that the Constitution is very clear about the separation of Church and State.

Take a look at the commercial; it’s unbelievable: Click Here

The event titled, “What Can Wash away our Sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus” is put on by controversial Pastor Lou Engle. There is a slick web site: Click Here

On the site, Engle is hawking “Season Tickets” for the event and gives a very passionate pitch for money: Click Here

Uganda’s Treatment of Gays and Lesbians

Two months ago, Pastor Engle again traveled to Uganda, where an Anti-Homosexuality bill is being considered. It calls for life in prison or death for gays and lesbians.

Does the current front-runner in the Iowa Caucus polls for 2012 agree with Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill calling for the death penalty for gays and lesbians?

Mike Huckabee should not continue to gay bash

It was just a couple of months ago that Governor Huckabee compared gay marriage to incest, drug abuse and polygamy. He went on to say that gay and lesbian couples should not be allowed to parent, because kids aren’t puppies. I wrote a strong response to those hateful remarks for the Huffington Post: Click Here

Mike Huckabee’s continued cruel statements about LGBT Americans are insensitive and dumb. He owes all fair-minded Americans an apology.

Cross posted from from Fred Karger’s Huffington Post article: