By Craig Fiegener

Check out this really interesting story by Craig Fiegener at about a mega-donor to the Yes on Prop 8 Campaign

A Riverside businessman is one of the areaÂ’s biggest private donors to CaliforniaÂ’s Yes on 8 campaign. Scott Jones and his wife have donated a total of $50,000 to support the proposition which, if passed by voters, will eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California.
Early numbers from the California Secretary of State show that both sides have amassed millions of dollars. During the next several weeks, that money will be used to buy ads on radio, TV and the internet.

Some of the top individual donors to Proposition 8 are from the Inland Empire. According to campaign-finance records, Stephen Lang — who owns Pacific Shores Masonry, based in Corona — donated $125,000. While campaign records show Jones’ contribution at $45,000, he said his wife donated an additional $5,000. Jones is a private investigator who owns Bosco Legal Services.

Other inland supporters of Prop. 8 include Dale Broome of Redlands, who donated $25,000, and David Zuniga of Riverside, who donated $25,000.
Several Chino Hills residents made donations of $5,000 each, including Renae Tanner, Michael Dushane, Jennifer Himes and Michael Calta. So did Marilyn Ishii of Upland and Corona-based M&D Development, according to the Secretary of State.
Records regarding political donations of less than $5,000 will be released on October 6. – Posted at 12:51 pm, Tuesday, September 30, 2008 by Craig Fiegener –>
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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