Well, there has been a lot of activity on the calendar contest over the past couple of days. And today the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot has started its own poll that features all 20 Men of Laguna Beach Calendar Finalists in a full page color spread. So check out today’s paper by going to: http://www.coastlinepilot.com/articles/2007/08/17/entertainment/cpt-calendarpoll17.txt
And to vote for your 12 favorites: go to: http://www.coastlinepilot.com/
send an email to coastlinepilot@latimes.com, or fax your favorites to (949) 494-8979 or mail to the Coastline Pilot, Attn: Calendar Contest, P.O. Box 248 , Laguna Beach , CA 92652 . Entries must be received by August 31.
Also, AOL’s QueerSighted.com has received over 13,500 votes so far (in just 2 days!) in its online poll that began yesterday – incredible! To vote for your favorites on that site go to: www.queersighted.com/laguna
And Queersighted’s coverage was picked up by gay blogs and newspapers all over the world! Here are just some of the links to that coverage:
There are also two front page stories on the change /closure that most likely will occur at the Boom Boom Room after Labor Day Weekend. One is in the Laguna Beach Independent and one in the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot. But there are some new opportunities brewing that might keep those corner doors at PCH and Mountain open. We will keep you posted on any new developments.
Independent story by Andrea Adelson:
Coastline Pilot story by Josh Aden:
Thank you one and all for all of your encouragement and support as we work to SAVE the BOOM – Forever!!!