Contact: Fred Karger 949-494-4750
West Hollywood Mayor and City Councilman Urge Owner to Save Laguna Beach Gay Landmark
750th Post Card Mailed in to Steven Udvar-Hazy
LAGUNA BEACH – SAVE the BOOM!!! today announced that West Hollywood Mayor John Duran and City Councilman John Heilman became the 749th and 750th signers to mail yellow post cards to Mr. Udvar-Hazy.
“We are overwhelmed with the amount of support for our effort to save the landmark Boom Boom Room and Coast Inn in which it is housed,” said SAVE the BOOM!!! Founder, Fred Karger. “These two highly respected political leaders and great men who live 60miles to the north know the importance of historic preservation and we are very grateful for their support.”
Lots of men and women gay and straight have sent these yellow cards off to Mr. Udvar-Hazy asking him to either dramatically reduce his sale price or consider donating the building to the city of Laguna Beach or a newly created trust.
At the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Dinner in Los Angeles last weekend, two other supporters come up with an innovative way to sign their post cards when there is not a table in sight.
We will be announcing an important SAVE the BOOM!!! event that will occur in Los Angeles on Tuesday, April 1, 2008 – and this is no April Fools. We will send you the details early next week. The event will start at 12 noon for about an hour. It will be fun and interesting and will greatly help our fight to SAVE the BOOM – Forever!!!
Thank you for all your help and support.
Best regards,
Fred Karger
©SAVEtheBOOM,Inc® 2008