Well, we had an incredible turnout of SAVE the BOOM!!! supporters at the Laguna Beach City Council Meeting this past Tuesday night to turn in all 6,000 signatures to the Mayor and the City Council. The testimony from our supporters was all very well received and statements were read from SAVE the BOOM!!! Co-chairs Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl from the floor and Mayor Toni Iseman read a very moving and powerful statement from former Laguna Beach Mayor and City Councilman Bob Gentry from the dais. The Mayor and the City Councilmembers all commented after our testimony and all were very supportive as you will see in the news coverage below.

Thanks to all for your hard work over the summer on this incredibly successful effort. And a special thank you to all those who turned out Tuesday to show your support and testify to help in our campaign to SAVE the BOOM!!! — FOREVER!

Here is the link to Laylan Connelly’s story that appeared Wednesday in the Orange County Register:


Here is the link to Susie Harrison’s story that is in today’s Laguna Beach Independent (scroll down to page 20 for the continuation of the story):


And here is the link to Barbara Diamond’s story from today in the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot:


We also received coverage from City News Service in Los Angeles, KFWB all-news radio in LA, and KPCC Southern California Public Radio.